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Amanzimtoti, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa




Amanzimtoti, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa




+27 60 070 2286


White Stinkwood (Celtis Africana)

White Stinkwood (Celtis Africana), is an indigenous tree that can reach 40m.

White stinkwood trees thrive in areas that receive high amounts of rainfall and regions with less rainfall in the forest and wooded grasslands. It is not restricted to any one type of soil. This tree is important in protecting cattle from the scorching summer sun.

White Stinkwood Leaves (Celtis Africana)

The leaves are simple and alternate. They are light green when young but are dark when they get older.

The young twigs and leaves are a favorite food source for cattle and game like bushbuck, kudu, and impala divers. The ripe fruit is a favorite food for monkeys and baboons, and even fruit-eating birds love it. The tree is home to the larvae of some butterflies.

White Stinkwood Bark (Celtis Africana).

The young branches’ bark is hairy but light gray and smooth. Sometimes, older stems and branches have horizontal reefs.

Wood is strong enough to make furniture. It can be used to make shelves. Because the wood is easy to carve, young branches and shoots can be used to make tool handles. This wood is also used to make household items like spoons and bowls.

White stinkwood is a very popular street tree and garden tree. It has beautiful yellow autumn colors. The tree will provide shade in summer, and sun in winter if it is planted among scrubs. White stinkwood will adapt well to a container and responds well to pruning. It should be watered once per month in winter and once per week in summer. The tree will grow quickly in deep soils, typically 2m per year with lots of water.

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